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FreeBitCo.In script for auto roll - reward points 100-1000% - multiply - lottery


Automatic Roll, simulating human behavior.

It waits between 0 and 30 minutes to roll during the day, with more chances between 0 and 10 minute, simulating what a human would do, without risking loosing your account and your wallet.

The script is autonomous. You can leave it running. It goes slowly in the night, faster in the day, it will play randomly multiply game, it will buy rp, it will wait random time to Roll, and it has a nice status panel that you can view in output console.

You can also roll manually if you don't want to wait, the script will understand that
It was made in 2018 for private use. Published in 2020


-A account. If you don't have one you can use this referreal:
-Tampermonkey, download the one for your browser.
-A Web Browser (tested on Chrome and Firefox)

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